546该纪录剧集由《一级方程式:疾速争胜》幕后团队精心打造,追踪多名独当一面的网球员在球场内外的生活,看他们如何竭力在竞争激烈的大满贯决赛中称霸,更希望一天能达成成为世界第一的宏愿。制作团队投入整整一年时间,贴身追踪多位顶尖球员到世界各地争夺四项大满贯,以及在ATP男子巡回赛及WTA女子巡回赛争胜。 -
680由贵博(タカヒロ,《结城友奈是勇者》原案、企划,《魔都精兵的奴隶》原作)担任故事原案、Mika Pikazo 担任角色原案、以演剧为题材的少女企划《World Dai Star》宣布 2023 年启动,石見舞菜香、長谷川育美、長縄まりあ、田中美海、近藤玲奈、斉藤朱夏出演! 11 月 27 日的直播节 -
639Why did the world suddenly treat stuffed animals like gold? Ty Warner was a frustrated toy salesman until his collaboration with three women grew his -
窒息家庭 第二季
311Still picking up the pieces after the death of Denis and the cover up that followed, Val Ahern’s world is rocked once again when a stranger turns up o